
Wednesday 22 January 2014

Kofieebroodje/Dutch Coffeee buns

Time of the month when I am always rushing to finish off the bakes in the challenges that I am a part of. One such event started by Swathi called the Baking partners is one such challenge I always love to attempt, sooner or later. There is so much that I have learnt and experimented in baking just by being part of this incredible group.
Having spent a relaxed holiday in Allahabad, it has been indeed a little difficult to get back to baking and blogging and hence my delay in this month's challenge. This month 2 recipes, a Dutch Apple tart and Dutch Coffee buns which are also called Kofieebroodje were suggested by Kaveri Venkatesh. I was naturally intrigued by the name and expected a good amount of coffee in the bake. To my amazement, there was no mention of it and I very confidently asked Kaveri to rectify the mistake. That is when I was told that these buns are called so as the Dutch love to have them with their cup of Coffee. With Swathi's permission who is always open to experimentation keeping the original recipe spirit in mind, I decided to add some coffee in the  filling. 
Since the original recipe asked for the usage of vanilla pudding which is easily available abroad, many members decided to make their own custard. I went the cheat's way and used the readily available vanilla custard powder in our country and added some coffee to it. 
The outcome was very pleasing and I was happy to create the yummy coffee custard in a jiffy. The original recipe calls for raisins which I have substituted with toasted almonds to go with my Coffee buns. 
This is such a  super simple recipe which yields amazingly   soft buns. Flavour them to your liking, making them sweet or savoury and it will become a keeper recipe for sure.

Recipe Source: The Dutch Table

Ingredients : I used 1/3 of the recipe to yield 10 such buns

  • 1 cup all purpose flour
  • 3/4 tsp instant yeast
  • 1/3 cup lukewarm milk
  • 1 tbsp butter, room temperature
  • 1 1/2 tbsp sugar
  • 1/4 tsp salt
  • 10 almonds, peeled and toasted
  • 2 tsp vanilla custard powder
  • 1 tsp coffee powder
  • 1/2 cup milk (for the custard)
  • 2 tbsp sugar (for the custard)
Procedure : 
In a bowl, add flour, salt, sugar and yeast and mix. 
Add butter and mix.
Add milk little by little and knead the mixture to a smooth dough. If required add a little more milk.
Transfer the dough to an oiled bowl and turn the dough to cover it with oil on all sides. 
Cover with a damp muslin cloth and allow to double in size for an hour or two in a warm place. 
Meanwhile, make the custard which will be used as a filling.
Take 1/2 cup milk and boil it. Add 2 tbsp sugar to it.
Dilute vanilla custard powder with a little cold milk or even water and add to the boiling milk. Stir well to avoid any lumps.
Dilute 1 tsp coffee powder in some warm milk and add to the custard. Mix well and as soon as the mixture thickens, remove it from gas.
Allow to cool.
Prepare the almonds by dropping them in some boiling water for about 4-5 minutes. 
Remove from heat and drain them.
The skin will now come off very easily just by pinching the ends.
Allow the almonds to dry for some time on a kitchen towel.
Dry roast them on a pan or in the oven.
Allow to cool and chop them in pieces.
Once the dough is ready, roll it roughly to a 9x9" square. 
Spread the coffee flavoured custard all over leaving 1/2" on all sides.
Sprinkle the chopped toasted almonds on it. 

Roll it into a cylinder and cut 1" equal pieces out of it.

Cover them and allow to proof for 30 minutes.
Preheat oven to 180 degree Celsius.
Place the rolls on a lined and greased baking tray and brush them with some milk.
Bake for 25-30 minutes or till the buns brown well.
Brush the buns with some butter as soon as they are out of the oven.
Enjoy them warm with a cup of coffee.


  • You may use any other flavouring for the custard or simply use the variety of custard powders available in the market.
  • Add your choice of nuts in it or you may even avoid it.
  • For a richer taste, you may make the custard in cream instead of milk.

Happy Coffee buns relishing


  1. It's fabulousity. You sure can bake and I have and will always love all the goodies of yours.

  2. Hi Amrita, wow... love your coffee bun, it look absolutely delicious. Great to go with a good cup of coffee. Well done!

    Have a nice day.

  3. Yummiiiiiiii!
    Looks awesome! Great recipe!

  4. Looks delicious, just like the cinnamon buns which I love to eat!

    1. Thank you Yen, the technique is just the same. The only difference is the filling.

  5. wow amrita so perfectly made buns :) they look fantastic and too tempting !!

  6. Awesome clicks and great recipe :)

  7. Beautiful buns, love your filling choice.

    1. Thank you Swathi and thank you for creating this awesome group.

  8. These look absolutely delicious!

    1. Thank you Sarani. I know how much you love the coffee flavour :)
