
Wednesday 1 May 2013

Surprise Chocolate Heart Cake for First Kolkata Blogger's meet!

The only thing that should surprise us is that there are still some things that can surprise us.
Francois de La Rochefoucauld

All of us love surprises. At least the good ones.
When I was in school, it was a norm to surprise each other with little handmade personalized stuff, you know, the kind of things girl's do. Birthdays, in fact, is the most perfect occasion to surprise. Vishal has many a times surprised me with the most gorgeous bunch of flowers, sweet handwritten cards and delicious fingerlicking food. Therefore, it is no secret that I love getting and giving Surprises!
Sayantani, surprised me a month back by adding me to Kolkata Food Bloggers page on FB. I have always wanted to know like minded people in my city and was wondering if there are any. I was completely surprised and bowled over, knowing such famous bloggers admist them. A meet was decided and we all jointly agreed on the 28 of April. Not knowing what else to gift them, the Mad Baker in me, decided to bake this Surprise Chocolate heart cake which has been lying in my 'Must try' list for some time. A surprise cake to surprise fellow bloggers sounded so right.
Vishal helped me by looking after our daughter Vaanya, while I was rustling up this cake on the 'D' day. The cake takes that extra time as it is baked twice making you to do the entire process two times. I chose on a tried and tested 'no butter' cake recipe that I have adapted from Suma Rowjee's blog Cakes and Bakes. The cake always turns out soft and has just that right amount of sweetness.
I was pretty surprised myself with the end result as this was a first time bake. The sweet little pretty chocolate heart was right there in the middle of my cake surprising me to ends. The extra time I spent baking and then wrapping up these beauties made me late for the much awaited meet. But I guess the surprised faces paid off for all the hard work. Felt truly elated to bake this for my fellow buddies. 
It was an afternoon well spent knowing and meeting such amazing bloggers. We had a whale of time and plan another meet very soon, catching up with all those who could not this time. I have linked their names to their famous blogs for you to check out their amazing food. 
Meet the Foodies!!


Chocolate hearts

  • 1 cup all purpose flour
  • 1/2 cup + 2 tbsp sugar, powdered(Do not skip the 2 tbsp, they make the cake just sweet)
  • 1 egg 
  • 1 1/2 tbsp cocoa powder
  • 1/2 tsp baking powder
  • 1/8 tsp baking soda
  • 1/2 cup yogurt
  • 1/4 cup vegetable oil 
Preheat oven to 180 degrees Celsius. Prepare the loaf tin by greasing and lining with butter paper.
Since my loaf tin was bigger in size than my requirement, I made a false wall with foil paper and stuffed lightly crushed foil paper in the leftover space to make the cake size smaller. 

Sift flour, sugar, cocoa powder,baking powder and baking soda in a bowl.
Whisk together yogurt, oil and egg in another bowl.
Fold in this wet mixture into the flour mixture.  Mix well.
Pour into prepared pan.
Bake  for 30 mins or until a toothpick inserted in the middle of the cake comes out clean.
Cool on a wire rack.

Once your cake is cool enough to handle, remove the dome of the cake (level it)and cut into 8 slices.

Now, with the help of a cookie cutter, cut shapes out of the slices.(I used a heart cookie cutter, you may try with other shapes like a star) 

Grease and line the same loaf tin again.
Stack the hearts in the middle of the tin, a little tilted to rest.

Now prepare the white cake batter
White cake batter

  • 2 1/2 cups all purpose flour
  • 1 1/2 cup sugar(powdered) 
  • 2 eggs
  • 1 1/4 tsp baking powder
  • 1/4 tsp baking soda
  • 1 1/4 cup yogurt
  • 1/2 cup+2 tbsp vegetable oil
  • 1 tsp vanilla essence  
Procedure :
Sift flour, sugar, baking powder and baking soda in a bowl.
Whisk together yogurt, oil, vanilla essence and egg in another bowl. 
Fold in this wet mixture into the flour mixture. Mix well.
Pour into prepared tin over the chocolate hearts. 
Bake  for 30-35 mins or until a toothpick inserted in the cake comes out clean. 
Cool on a wire rack and remove from tin

White cake batter poured over the chocolate hearts
The cake after baking
Level the cake with the help of a knife.

Cut equal sized slices from the cake, serve and surprise.

  • You may use any other cake recipe to make this Surprise cake.
  • Try the same effect with a different shaped cookie cutter.
  • Try different colours for a more dramatic look, like making the hearts red for a perfect Valentine treat.

I wrapped them in plastic covers and tied the ends with a red ribbon to gift all my wonderful fellow food bloggers. Vishal wrote down little thoughtful tags for them in his beautiful handwriting.

The Gang (Pic courtsey: a passerby clicking through Sarani's camera and Editing courtsey :Arundhuti) Your's truly in Green:)

Happy Surprising 


  1. Saw ur meet pictures in FB, seems you guys had a wonderful time together..Its really wonderful to meet some peoples who are foodies like us na..

    Stunning and super tempting cake, looks simply beautiful and gorgeous.

  2. superb cake ,lovely blogger meet.

  3. there is no words for cake. nice to meet virtual friends face to face.

  4. Wow, quite a recipe ! never seen such heart making inside the cake.. bookmarked !

    you guys look lovely, glad to see the faces.. you look great in Green ;)

  5. Awesome preparation, looks yum...

  6. Yeh I tasted it, it was just awesome cake. That 'Sweet Memory' will be remained with me forever.

    today's post:

  7. Wow, nothing like meeting like minded people, as there is always so much to talk about:)
    Am sure you must have had a great time, the cake is really cute and perfectly for a meet up :)

  8. that must have been a fun meet and your surprise cake came out so well. i am sure all the ladies would have been delighted.

  9. Great tutorial on how to make heart shaped cake embedded inside a cake. Very innovative.

    Sounds like fun with your bloggers' meet!

  10. The cake looks so soft and loved the hidden heart. hope u had a gala time...

  11. wow lovely cake and beautiful ladies!!!!! hope you had great fun :)

  12. Wow lovely cake. A lot of hard work there but well paid. Kokatta food bloggers are looking gorgeous!

  13. wow! simply loved the mini packing..great give away..

  14. Your surprise cake looks lovely. What a great treat to share. I think it's fantastic to meet up with other bloggers. Wish I can do that some day in my area. :)

  15. Beautifully baked the technique.happy to be follower.

  16. Hi Amrita, your surprise cake look awesome. Very nice and love the heart inside the cake. :))
    Look like all of you had a great gathering. Everyone look so lovely and pretty. You look so sweet.

    Best regards.

  17. Super!! Looks so intricate. How could you let them actually eat it!!
