
Monday 8 April 2013

Super Quick Raw Mango Relish-Summer Herald

''Ah, summer, what power you have to make us suffer and like it.''Russel Baker
I am sure all of you have your reasons to like and welcome summers. With its sweltering heat and unbearable humidity, esp in my part of the world, Summers are waited with bated breath for the arrival of the King of fruits-Mangoes!! Summers also bring along beautiful memories of childhood vacations. For us it was an entire month of fun and frolic in the dry heat of Punjab where we would spend countless hours getting scorched in the sun while playing out in the open. 
Summers also bring a big change in our food habits. Our menus are full of light, easy to digest meals with loads of fluids in the form of Lassi, Nimbu paani, Aam pannas etc which act as wonderful coolants. Quick and light meals are preferred to reduce the torture of spending extended time in the kitchen heat. 
A mango tree opposite my mother's house is richly laden with fruits this year. Though raw right now, every day we have loads of these tiny raw mangoes fallen on the ground which have been used to make chutneys. Last weekend when my mum made one of my favorite Luchi and cholar dal, we remembered this super quick and yummy relish which I am happy to share today. 

 Ingredients: For 2-3 servings
  • 1 medium sized raw mango 
  • 1/2 cup sugar
  • salt to taste
  • 1/2 tsp red chilli powder(degi lal mirch)
  • 1 tsp jeera/cumin powder
  • 2 cloves

Peel and grate the raw mango. 
Mix grated raw mango with sugar and salt and keep aside for 1/2 hour. The mango will leave its water.
Put this mixture (along with the water)in a pan with cloves and cook over medium heat for 5 mins, or till the mango gets cooked and the water evaporates making the relish thick.
If relish is too thick, add a tbsp or two of water.
Add red chilli powder and cumin powder and mix well. 
Adjust salt and sugar to your liking.
Remove from flame and allow to cool. 

Notes: The relish will get thicker as it cools, so adjust the consistency accordingly.
            Cumin powder gives the relish its deep colour and taste, therefore try not to substitute.
            This relish is very quick and goes well with rice and pooris/luchis
             As suggested by one of our readers, Nisah from Singapore, this relish can be also used as an amazing sweet and tangy spread.

 We had this relish with the classic Bengali combination of Luchi and Cholar dal (Maida poori with chana dal)

This is a super quick and super yummy relish and is sure to get over the same day!!

Sending this recipe to Dish name starts with R

Happy Summer Relishing!!


  1. can't wait to make this when we will get raw mangoes here. super delish.

  2. Wow Amritha! relish looks superb!! love you poories and dal too!!!

  3. delicious looking raw mango relish :)

  4. Tangy and super droolworthy mango relish..fingerlicking definitely.

  5. hi,i am a non indian,may i know beside eating these chutney with rice,
    can i also used as spread,,thanks

    1. Hi Nisah, glad you dropped in. I think you just gave me a super duper idea to use this relish as a spread too. I have updated my post and thank you for the idea! Do try and let me know.

  6. finger licking good dear:)

  7. deliicous n Love to have vth hot white rice..hmmm..

  8. Mouthwatering relish.looks so yumm.

  9. Happy to be your follower.

  10. Sounds very interesting and yummy.. I'm a new blogger... Do visit my blog..

  11. Wow.. Such an easy peesy dish & tasty too !!

  12. Tangy and yummy,love mango relish,quick dish.

  13. Hi Amrita, this look really good. Thanks for sharing this delicious recipe.

    Have a wonderful week ahead.

  14. Delicious tangy yummy relish...

  15. mmmm...I love such type of sweet n sour n spicy relishes...makes my mouth water :) Lovely post, had a good time reading!


  16. Delicious mango relish amrita, here raw are expensive than ripe ones.

  17. Hi Amrita,

    Seems to me that you are the summer person... I'm summer person too and sad that the Aussie summer is over :(

    Your mango relish looks wonderful and can also reminds me our good old cheerful summer...


  18. Hi Amrita, love the look of this relish, I wondered if I can use ripe mangoes to make these? I have a few ripe ones but they are sour!

    1. Hi Jeannie. You can definitely try the sour ripe mangoes to make this relish. Add sugar accordingly and let us know how it went.

  19. Mouthwatering and tongue tickling relish....

  20. What a delicious mango relish, Amrita! Love the refreshing flavours and this is definitely great as a dip.
