
Sunday 14 April 2013

GulabJamun No Bake Cheesecake

 ''A new year is unfolding like a blossom with petals curled tightly concealing the beauty within.'' 
- Unknown 

New Year !!
It is the regional New Year time all over India. Celebrated with different names, it basically marks the beginning of the harvest season and arrival of Spring.
It is called Vaisakhi in Punjab which  also marks the birth of Khalsa and is celebrated with lot of fervor. 
Poila Boishakh is celebrated in West Bengal which literally means first day of the first month. An auspicious time for marriages and beginning of all business activities, it is celebrated with traditional dressing and food. 
Vishu is celebrated in Kerala and is marked with Vishukanni which literally means"the first thing seen on the day of Vishu after waking up".
Ugadi is celebrated as New Year's Day in Karnataka and Andhra pradesh. The name Ugadi is derived from the name "Yuga Adi", which means 'the beginning of a new age'
Chaitti in Himachal Pradesh, Mahavishuva Sankrant in Orissa, Navreh in Kashmir, Cheiraoba in Manipur, Puthandu in Tamil Nadu, Gudi Padwa in Maharashtra, Rongali Bihu in Assam are all names of the New Year Celebrations in the different regions of India. 
Unity in Diversity is such an apt example which describes  India's varied cultures.

Recipe Adapted from:Divine Taste suggested by Swetha

Ingredients:For a 5" inch round cheesecake

  • 3-4 Digestive biscuits
  • 2-3 tbsp melted butter
  • 8-10 Gulab jamuns, medium sized, drained and slightly squeezed to remove extra syrup
  • 1/2 cup Hung curd
  • 1 cup Paneer/cottage cheese
  • 2-3 tbsp sugar
  • 1/2 tbsp Gelatin/1 tbsp China grass
Caramel Glaze
  • 2 almonds(soaked in water for 2 hours,peeled and slivered finely)
  • 2-3 tbsp sugar

Preparation :

Since I wanted to make a smaller quantity, I chose a 5" round tin instead of a Springform tin.
Cut 4 long strips of butter/parchment paper 1" wide. Fold them lengthwise to make them 1/2 " wide. Lay them as shown in Fig.1 and staple from the center. Place it in the tin(Fig 2). These will be used to pull the set cheesecake from the tin.
Cut a 5" circle butter paper for the base and a side strip.
Grease the tin lightly and place the prepared butter paper in the base and sides of tin(Fig 3)

Hung Curd:
Take 1 cup curd and put it in a muslin/cheesecloth. Tie the ends and allow it to hang overnight in the refrigerator(You may try tying it to a spatula and  placing over a bowl)
This will give you roughly 1/2 cup thick curd.


Crush biscuits (placed in a kitchen towel/Ziplock)with the help of a rolling pin.
Add melted butter and mix well.
Press onto the base of the prepared tin with the help of the back of a spoon. (Fig 4)
Keep in the refrigerator to set for atleast 1/2 hour.

Take 2 tbsp cold water and sprinkle gelatin over it for 5-10 mins or till it gets spongy.
Take hung curd, paneer and sugar in a mixer jar and process till smooth.
Transfer it to a pan and heat it very lightly over low heat. Do not let it boil.(Alternatively, microwave for 10-15 secs) As soon as the mixture is just warm to touch, remove from heat and add the gelatin. Stir well to dissolve the gelatin. 
If using china grass, break it into small pieces and soak in 1/4 cup water for 10 mins till it gets soft. Place it in a pan over low heat and let it dissolve for 5-6 mins, stirring well. Do not let it boil.
Add this to the warm curd and paneer mixture and stir well.
Place 7 pieces of gulabjamuns on the crust(Fig 5)
Pour the cheesecake mixture on the gulabjamuns.
Cut 2 gulabjamuns in half and place them inverted on the top.
Refrigerate for 3-4 hours to set.

Caramel Glaze:
Take sugar in a pan over low heat and let it cook and dissolve, stirring well. Soon you will notice it will leave water and begin to change colour. Keep stirring and when it dissolves completely becoming brownish in colour, remove from heat and add the slivered almonds. Pour onto the set cheesecake before it gets cold and hardens. Place some almond pieces on the gulab jamuns.

Slice up and serve this yummy 'very Indian' Cheesecake!!

Five days left for our 1st Anniversary and 3 Giveaways to end!!

Sending this recipe to Tangy Minds celebrate 1st Anniversary
Photo: Hi friends and readers, very soon my blog baby going to touch first birthday!!! Am so happy within this one year got so many friends with lots of learning and many more... So I wish to celebrate the moment with you all with very interesting event with surprise give aways.... Hope you like this and will post full details by tomorrow.... Plz do participate and share happiness and win the giveaways.... Stay tuned for full details Soon....

Happy New Year to all of you!!


  1. I love GulabJamun and never thought of it in a cheesecake. This is really creative and clever use of a delicious treat.

  2. Awesome it is!!!Loving it totally!!!!!! Definitely Indian!!!!!! Bookmarking to try!!

  3. Looks delicious...going to try this soon..Lovely twist the regular one

  4. Looks very delicious...Am sure going to try this version soon..

  5. Completely beautiful.

  6. wow! stunning and great idea Amrita. must have tasted divine.

  7. Wow! looks so innovative and interesting am sure goona try this...

  8. beautiful post - love the fusion idea ,i swear!

  9. This is really so innovative...I will must try it....Never thought that this kind of dish can be made..:)

  10. Love the write up too..very informative...:)

  11. Thats really and beautiful Indian twist to cheesecake, quite irresistible.

  12. wow...its just awesome n inviting...

  13. Nice one..outstanding.Very yummy. Do visit my blog

  14. You have given such an informative write up about the regional New year celebrations in the country. And what a lovely cake! For us a visual delight till we try. Great recipe!

  15. Happy New Year to you. I love gulab jamun, and it's so clever of you to incorporate it into the cheesecake. Looks so visually appealing when it is cut open.

  16. Nice write up and I also made this with small size jamuns. Turns out very nice, to balance sweetness i had to put very less sugar in mixture. nice presentation.

  17. Happy New Year!
    It's interesting how many different variations there are of the new year and yet everyone celebrates at the same time. Very cool.

    Are gulab jamun those sticky, sweet fried dough balls? I think I've had them before but never knew what they were.

  18. very very innovative idea,sir ji..That's super cool,Amritha & it looks very delicious!!!

  19. Lovely fusion. Love gulab jamun so this one is a must try. I love your idea of strips of paper a lot.Can it be followed for anybaked item too?

  20. love it ! i'll definitely try this next time we have a party.

  21. Will definitely have to try this one!

  22. wht a cute idea,love the clicks.

    first time here.happy to follow u,glad if u follow mine.

  23. Cheese with jamoon...wonder combis. Super delicious.

  24. Wonderful cheesecake with innovative filling :)

  25. Love the twist,what a great idea,gorgeous cheesecake

  26. I want!!!! This looks so perfect, yummy and I am drooling over it...Very innovative idea..

  27. Delicious combination n loved ur idea, looks tempting!

  28. Gulab jamun and cheese cake ..interesting combination and the clicks are tempting.

  29. Great idea dear.. Looks very very awesome.. Loving every snap & the layers :)

  30. Wow! Cheesecake with Gulab Jamun??! That's brilliant!

  31. I'm so interested to try this. I've never had Gulab jamuns! I'm totally missing out!

  32. Delicious gulab jamun cheesecake Amrita you made a stunning cheesecake.

  33. you are a genius yaar you have just taken the cheesecake recipe to another level. Hats off to ur imagination it looks stunning and veryyyy inviting.

  34. Mind blowing effort.lovely this jamuns.

  35. Happy New Year to you! Didn't know that the Indian new year is around this time. This cake will be perfect for great celebrations.


  36. You outdid yourself with this one :)

  37. I want to eat one now.. so interesting and very very tempting. I cannot take eyes off the first pic!

  38. Awesome! wonderful idea of cheese cake with gulab jamiun ..looks very delicious

  39. amazing..gulab jamun in the middle..i love that ideas...Keep rocking..

  40. wow..very innovative and rock!!

    Happy to follow you :)


  41. OMG!! this is the extreme fusion with the successful result!! love it!!

  42. OMG if this is sold in any bakery definitely would be a great hit...

  43. Wow, what a fantastic looking cheesecake. I love the no bake aspect, this would be perfect when it's too hot to turn on the oven, thanks for the recipe!

  44. interesting recipe..looks delicious..
    new follower to your blog
    visit my blog

  45. Too good! Am so partial to gulab jamuns!


  46. Wow so lovely and loved it... Thank you for your entry linked in my blog.I want u to follow the rules and get eligible for the giveaway.

  47. Congratulations for winning in the "Hearty and Healthy" Hudson Canola oil event organised by Vimitha!

    1. Thanks a ton Namita for notifying me. Truly appreciated

  48. Wowwww that's an awesome idea to incorporate jamuns and cheese cake ... Looks yummy ... Happy to follow you do visit my space when u are free ..

  49. Hi,
    How many liters of milk did you use for 1/2 cup hung curd?
    How many grams of paneer did you use?
    Will these measurements suffice for my 8 & 1/2 inch springform pan?

    1. Hi Kinjal. You need about 1 cup of curd to get 1/2 cup hung curd. I guess you can use 1 1/2 cup milk to set your curd. For 1 cup paneer, you may use 200 gms of it. These measurements will make your cheesecake in a 8 1/2 pan a little thinner. Try adding another half of this recipe to it to fit in your pan. So instead of 1/2 cup hung curd, use 1/2 +1/4 cup and instead of 1 cup paneer use, 1 + 1/2 cup etc. Hope it helps.

  50. Which kind of digestive biscuits u have used in this recipe ?

    1. Hello Samy. I used a brand called Britannia digestive biscuits. You may do the same with any biscuits/cookies.

    2. Hello Samy. I used a brand called Britannia digestive biscuits. You may do the same with any biscuits/cookies.
