
Wednesday 27 February 2013

Caramelized Onion Tarts

The Pudgy little hands that stole my tart!!
Family time is the best vacation!
A sudden vacation is not exactly what I had planned especially having to travel with a 20 month old baby but the incentive of having to spend some great time with family(and an extra nudge from hubby) made me pack my bags and leave for Punjab and Allahabad. I had a wonderful time in Punjab being pampered by Nani and Masi's, gorged on fresh produce of vegetables and dollops of homemade white butter  on yummy paranthas. Vaanya had a super time bonding with everyone and running around in the extra spacious houses. 

The next part of our vacation was homecoming to Allahabad. Our house is a 'Heaven Haven' for me. A place where I can leave behind all my worries and just soak myself in the luxury of the palatial house and the most beautiful garden. An amazing vegetable patch adds to the charm with fresh and unadulterated veggies being enjoyed everyday. The house was full on our arrival and we had the loveliest time with everyone except Vishal(hubby) who was missed terribly. One of the things I love and look forward to do here apart from relaxing and enjoying the yummiest food made by Amma(mother-in-law) is to bake!! My Baker's fingers jumped on to the recipe that I am sharing today to get warmed up and carry on my love to bake. 
I chose tarts as I love making and eating them and the best part is that once the shell is prepared you can play around with the filling to your liking, making it sweet or savoury.


For 6 tarts
  • 1/2 cup all purpose flour 
  • 30 gms butter(cold)
  • A little cold water for kneading
For Filling
  • 2 medium sized onions, sliced
  • 1 tbsp vinegar
  • 1/4 tsp dark soy sauce
  • 1/4 tsp green chilli sauce
  • a pinch of sugar
  • a pinch of salt
For Garnishing
  • tomato slices/pieces
  • coriander sprigs
  • fresh cream/mayonnaise


Take flour and butter in a bowl and rub the butter cubes with the flour till the mixture resembles breadcrumbs (in texture).
Now add cold water 1 tbsp at a time and knead to get a smooth dough. Do not over knead.
Wrap this dough in a plastic sheet and refrigerate for half an hour.
Take out the dough and roll it with a rolling pin on a floured surface. Roll it roughly to the size of the chosen tart tin with 1/8" thickness.

Gently press the dough down so that it lines the bottom and sides of the tart tin. Trim excess dough.
Line all the tart tins the same way. Make holes on the sides and bottom with a fork and refrigerate for another half an hour.
Preheat the oven to 180 degree Celsius. Bake the tarts for 15-20 mins or till they get a light brown colour.
Take them out and let them cool.
For a detailed step by step illustration refer here

Heat 2 tbsp oil in a pan and add the sliced onions with a pinch of salt. Lower the flame and let the onions cook stirring occasionally till they attain a brown colour. This is called Caramelization where the sugar in the onions oxidizes resulting in a golden brown colour.
Add vinegar, soy sauce, chilli sauce and sugar and stir well.
Remove from heat and let it cool.
Take a spoonful of the caramelized onions and fill in the tarts.
Garnish with a drop of fresh cream/mayonnaise, a small piece of tomato and coriander leaf.

The most difficult part in the entire process was taking pictures!! The moment I would try and take a pic, my daughter Vaanya would come to pick one up!!  It was such a difficult task, keeping her chubby pudgy fingers away. Here she is, caught in the act.

Sending this recipe to  Bake fest #16
and Blogoversary event

Happy Tart eating


  1. i was thinking where are you ? glad you had nice time and tarts are absolutely amazing.

  2. OMG the 2'nd and last click is so cute :) lovely tarts Amrita :) so are the cute hands... ummmahhh

  3. Seriously i want to grab a tart and having now, yummyilicious.

  4. Delicious onion tart, if she like it then it is yumm no doubt.

  5. looks very cute n delicious!!

  6. Oh god !!! That's amazing...

  7. These onion tarts look amazing. I sure would love to have some.

  8. The tarts look so flavorful and yum

  9. Seems like you are having a great vacation..
    These tarts look delicious.. It is cute that your little one trying to grab one.. :)

  10. super yummy...

  11. Loved these tarts Amritha... and loved your post too. Family vacations are always fun... sure u enjoyed it. Cute little pudgy hands there... my fav pic! :)

  12. Im in love with your love for tarts. I am too scared to give them a try. Beautiful tarts Amrita. Love. Thanks for linking.

  13. i love lots of onions in my food, this dish is luring me to take a bite..

  14. wow the hands look super cute and these tarts are making me drool!!!Thanks for linking it to my event!! Looking for more yummy recipes!!
    Ongoing Event - Know Your Dairy - Cheese
    Ongoing Event - Dish it out - Lentils & Garlic
    Ongoing Event - What is with my Cuppa

  15. Seriously I am drooling,looks so yummy

  16. The tart look sso good feel like grabbing one.

  17. Glad to hear you had a great holiday. Your tarts look cute and nice, no wonder the little hands couldn't stop grabbing one. ;)

  18. Love all the 2 pictures showing chubby little hands "stealing" your lovely onion tarts. Very cute!

  19. Hi Amrita, glad to hear that you had a great holiday. Your tarts look delicious. Love the pudgy that stealing the tarts.So cute and chubby.

    Have a wonderful week ahead.

  20. It's been so long since I have been to alld,.tat looks scrumptious,.

  21. Hi Amrita,
    Thanks you for visiting my space and you valuable comments!
    Love these tarts!
