
Friday 14 December 2012

Sticky Toffee Chocolate Blondies-A Blooper Creation

They either fail miserably teaching us how to improve next time or they succeed and rise from the ashes like a phoenix and make us want to repeat it again exactly the same way!!
I am sure all of you have had such victories and failures in your respective kitchens. 
Just few days back when Vishal made those awesome Chicken Cheese and Fish Tikka Kebabs, I took charge of the dips to go with it. After making the conventional coriander chutney, I decided to experiment. Having literally no idea in my head I took a bowl and randomly started adding ingredients like sesame seed oil, vinegar, soy sauce, curd...(lick) ...added mayonnaise, chopped coriander and parsley...(lick)... added a few more things like sugar and lemon to adjust the weird taste my experiment had...I finally gave up with whatever it was thinking that anyways it will definitely end in the drain. And would you believe me if I said that it was literally licked off that same bowl !! To top it all I was asked the recipe of THAT dip..I mean what was I supposed to say..I definitely had no recipe. 
Experiments, I tell you, can sometimes be a winner!!

Well I am certainly not sharing the recipe of that hit dip. What I am sharing today is yet another experiment that shone like a bright star. My dear brother who works in the Merchant Navy and is gone away from home for months together, was back a few weeks back. He came to our new place and very sweetly got us all pretty gifts. He gave me a pack of mini Toblerones and a pack of Skittles. Now if you are someone like me who knows her Toblerone but is unaware of skittles, let me tell you these are bite sized different flavoured chewy candies. The look of it made me think they are similar to our very own Gems or the M&M's. The Baker part of my brain instantly asked me to experiment with them both.(The Toblerone recipe will be coming soon). So I decided to put these candies on top of a cupcake thinking they will look pretty with colourful tops. But lo and behold, as soon as I put them in the oven they started sinking in...disaster!! I waited for them to be baked halfway and then topped with another set of these colourful candies. Some of them still sank. 
Alas! My experiment died an untimely death. 
My experiment did not look the way I wanted but once I braved to taste them, they were really very different and had a sticky, chewy and yummy base. The chocolate blondies in itself are very soft moist and tasty. 
So if you do not want the chewy part, do not add the candies and go ahead to savour these blondies(a cousin of the famous brownies, named so as they are made of white chocolate)

Ingredients: For 6 blondies

  • 1/4 cup grated white chocolate
  • 1/4 cup unsalted butter(at room temperature)
  • 4 tbsp sugar(powdered)
  • 1 egg
  • 1/2 cup all purpose flour
  • 1/4 tsp vanilla essence
  • 1/2 tsp baking powder
  • A packet of Skittles

Preheat oven to 180 degree Celsius.
Grease and line 6 muffin cups or lightly grease silicone muffin moulds.
Melt chocolate on a double boiler or microwave till melted(try 30 second pulse. I managed to burn mine as I had put on 1 min)
Beat butter and sugar till fluffy and creamy.
Add egg, flour, baking powder and vanilla essence.
Add melted chocolate and mix well.
Divide and pour the batter in the prepared muffin cups.
Arrange different coloured skittles on top (omit this step if you do not want to add the candies) and bake for 25-30 mins or till a toothpick inserted in the middle comes out clean.

I later tried the same recipe with Gems trying to time them once the batter is half baked, but did not succeed and to top it all the gems became more hard.

A perfect recipe to celebrate the colourful happy spirit of Christmas. Enjoy!

Merry Chritmas Celebrations

Happy Crazy Experimenting!


  1. They still look good Amrita! after all taste is what matters. nice clicks!

    1. Yes Swasthi, taste is really what matters...the blondies were finished in no fact my father inquired if they were store bought!!:):)

  2. wow. My mouth is watering, thank god my kids are not looking at these otherwise they will ask me to make it NOW. Good one.

    1. I am sure these will be enjoyed by kids..colourful, chewy and yummy!! Thanks for liking.

  3. Your experiments has made the blondies very pretty and colorful,looks so cute

    1. Thank you Suja..they indeed came out better than I thought.

  4. cute little cupcakes perfectly made

    1. Thank you Priya for liking these little experiments.

  5. Interesting little cuppie cakes there! Love those cute colourful dots on top! Afterall experiments are what turn out into success stories too right? :)

    1. Thanks Nandita, experiments certainly help us grow.

  6. Nothing can beat rainbow colours in cuteness. These cupcakes rock!

    1. Thanks Nilanjana, initially I wasn't very sure about sharing these blondies..but I am so glad I did!!

  7. Loved the look of it...Lovely cupcakes...

  8. Well at least they tasted good, plus I do like the colours :)

    1. Thank you Yen, its so much fun crazy experimenting sometimes!

  9. Replies
    1. Thanks Vimitha, these blondies have turned out pretty adorable.

  10. Lovely cupcakes.. loved the colors.. Thanks for linking

  11. Delicious Blondie Amrita, Do one thing when cake is about to set add skittles there. Hope it won't sink.

    1. Thanks for the advice Swathi..will have to time them really well.

    2. Thanks for linking to favorite recipes event.

  12. These blondies look amazing. My kids would adore them. I would like some too!

    1. Thank you Mich, I guess the colours have worked very very well with everyone!!

  13. Colorful blondies..ooh so yummm!!


  14. Such a lovely idea - the colorful results are totally worth it!!

  15. Looks so colorful and bright :)

  16. I know I am late very late in acknowledging you entry Please accept my apologies. These are awesome. I had visions of Dagwood and blondie remember the comics?

    1. Glad you liked them Archana. Happy to participate!

  17. Colorful and pretty blondies :). Thx for linking.
